Documentation Francaise de Reaper

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REAPER en action

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REAPER est une station de travail audio digitale : un environnement complet d'enregistrement, d'édition, de traitement, de mixage et de masterisation audio et MIDI.

La version d'évalutation de REAPER est complète et non limitée. Il n'y a ni interruptions ni restrictions artificielles, et vous pouvez enregistrer et charger des projets de manière normale. Page d'accueil de REAPER

DACH.jpg Link zur Deutschen Übersetzung

Le Wiki

Bienvenue dans la documentation Wiki; un Wiki est toujours un "travail en cours", et celui-ci ne fait pas exception.

Ce Wiki est créé et mis à jour par la communauté des utilisateurs (c'est-à-dire vous et moi), alors merci de le considérer en en tenant compte.

Si vous trouvez ici les réponses que vous cherchez, tant mieux. Mais si ce n'est pas le cas... n'oubliez pas que personne n'est payé pour s'occuper de ces pages - alors n'hésitez pas à aller chercher des réponses, des expériences dans le forum situé à et ensuite, ajoutez vous-mêmes une nouvelle entrée dans ce Wiki :) On tire un grand bénéfice en comprenant suffisamment bien quelque chose pour pouvoir le documenter. Attention cependant, on en devient facilement dépendant.

Guide de l'utilisateur

  • Guide de l'utilisateur REAPER - Ceci est "Le guide de l'utilisateur" - Téléchargez-le pour apprendre à utiliser REAPER. Il ne nécessite que peu de connaissances et couvre la plupart des sujets; une excellente ressource.

Manuel en ligne - Table des matières :

Commencez ici si tout cela est nouveau pour vous

  • About REAPER - An introduction to the software.
  • Quick Start! - This will get you going quickly with very little pain. Honestly.
  • Common Terms - Some phrases and words you'll need to know. Skim through it now and then come back whenever you need to.
  • Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions and (significantly) the answers to those questions.
  • Registration - Once you have evaluated the software you will need to buy a license and register it, this tells you how.

Documentation Sections:

Using The Software

the basics
  • Recording Audio - Get started recording Audio
  • Recording MIDI - Get started recording MIDI
  • Editing Items - Change things once they've been recorded, move them, copy and paste, delete them and more.
  • Edit Item Properties - Edit an Item's properties in detail.
  • Effects - Documentation of the bundled effects. Always incomplete but growing and still useful.
  • Rendering - Rendering, creating a single file, an MP3 (say), from a project. And more.
going further
  • Automation - Automating playback so that the volume, pan, delay length is always exactly right for each item & track at every point in the project. Or if not always exactly right, always exactly the same at least.
  • Using Folders - Make your life easier by grouping tracks together logically.
  • Using Effects - Some examples of how to use the bundled effects to create particular sounds and solve specific problems.
  • Routing - Use the output of one effect to control another, amongst other things...
  • Macros - Automate the tasks you do repeatedly, also called Keyboard Shortcuts
  • AutoHotKey - Take Macros to the next level.
going quite a lot further
  • Control Surfaces - Real knobs and sliders to adjust.
  • ReaMote - Process Effects on another computer in real-time and reduce the load on your main DAW computer.
  • ReaRoute - An ASIO driver that allows you to route audio to and from any other ASIO enabled application.
  • ReaScript - Add your own short-cuts etc. using the Perl & Python scripting languages. For those who feel a bit limited by Macros and AutoHotkey.
  • The API - Extend REAPER using C++.
  • ReWire - Allows applications to share audio, MIDI and synchronization data. Audio and MIDI data are transferred between the two applications in real-time, allowing you to use the features in each application.
  • Post Production - Getting started but with an emphasis on Post Production
  • Importing Ninjam Sessions - Work with NINJAM sessions.


  • Menus - A Reference to the standard menu system.
  • Preferences - A guide to setting user preferences.
  • MIDI Editor - A guide to the MIDI Editor
  • MIDI Glossary - Definitions of some MIDI terms.
  • Glossary - Definitions of some general music recording terms - and some REAPER terms.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - Keyboard short-cuts to make your (recording) life smooth & trouble free (well, a bit)
  • Workspace - The Workspace, and how to play in it.

Learning Resources

Other Things...

REAPER Suggestions

Go to the Reaper Suggestions page to take a look at the results of proposals posted in the feature request forum. Visit the forum for the discussions.


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