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ReaRoute is an ASIO driver that allows you to route audio to and from any other ASIO enabled application. ReaRoute is only installed on your system if you select the ReaRoute ASIO driver during the REAPER installation process.

If you wish to use ReaRoute and you did not select it the first time you installed REAPER, you can run the installation program again, choosing ReaRoute ASIO driver when the Choose Components window appears.


Some users have reported problems with native ASIO drivers after installing the ReaRoute driver. If you experience problems with your ASIO drivers after installing this feature, uninstall REAPER, then re-install with this check box cleared.

When you choose to install ReaRoute, the ReaRoute ASIO driver appears in the ASIO driver list for the other audio applications on your system.

The following procedure shows how to use ReaRoute to send audio to and from AudioMulch. This program has the ability to access ReaRoute Inputs and Outputs, and as such you can use either REAPER or AudioMulch as "pass-through" devices - utilizing the processing capabilities of one or both programs, either live or as part of a recording. For example - you may wish to transfer an AudioMulch project to REAPER to add some live instruments and then mixdown, or you may wish to send some audio from REAPER through AudioMulch in order to use its filters as an effect.

Although AudioMulch is used in this example, the same concepts apply when using ReaRoute with any ASIO compatible program.


Before using ReaRoute, it is best to clear the check box next to Close audio device when stopped and application is inactive on the Audio Preferences page of REAPER (Options > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Audio). This will help to prevent conflicts when moving between applications.

Setting up AudioMulch to use the ReaRoute ASIO driver

1. Open REAPER.


It is vitally important to open REAPER first, and close REAPER last, when using the ReaRoute driver.

2. Open AudioMulch.

3. In AudioMulch, select Edit > Settings.

4. Select Audio Driver.

5. Select ASIO as the Driver type.

6. Select ReaRoute ASIO as the ASIO Device.

7. Select Audio Input.

8. Map the ReaRoute ASIO inputs to the AudioMulch Inputs and Channels that you wish to use.

9. Select Audio Output.

10. Map the ReaRoute ASIO outputs to the AudioMulch Outputs and Channels you wish to use.

AudioMulch is now setup to use the ReaRoute Inputs and Outputs you have selected.

Receiving audio from AudioMulch in REAPER

1. Insert the number of new Tracks you require in REAPER.

2. Record-arm the first Track you wish to use then right-click on the Input Meter and select the ReaRoute Input Channel(s) you wish to assign to the Track.

Repeat this step for each AudioMulch output you wish to route to REAPER.

Sending audio from REAPER to AudioMulch

1. Open the Routing window for the first Track that you wish to send to AudioMulch.

2. In the Audio ReaRoute Outputs section, select the check box(es) next to the ReaRoute channel(s) you wish to use to send the Track to.

3. In AudioMulch, create SoundIn or AuxIn inputs to match the ReaRoute channel(s) you are sending from REAPER.

Repeat this step for each REAPER output you wish to route to AudioMulch.

For more information on AudioMulch, visit

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