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Main Page > REAPER Documentation, going further



The Basics

Folders are a way to group Tracks together; this is useful in two ways:

  • Visually. Look at the picture below, I have grouped the guitar tracks together. There is a sort of "place-holder" track, called Guitars and each of the guitar tracks is indented (shifted to the right) slightly; each of the guitar tracks belongs to it. This makes the layout and organization of a project much easier to understand.
  • When Mixing. That additional place-holder track, the Folder Track, is the key to this advantage. In the Mixer, along the bottom of the screen unless you've changed it, the place-holder track "Guitars" has a fader - when you adjust place-holder track's fader it changes the volume of all of the guitar tracks.


Now, look at the picture below.


There's an extra Folder Track called Misc Guitars inside the Guitars Folder Track, you can have folders within folders. This is called nested folders.

Creating Folders


To change an ordinary Track into a Folder Track you click on the folder icon. Clicking on it repeatedly cycles the track throough being a Folder Track, last Track in a Folder etc.

To create a nested Folder, insert a Track in the existing Folder & click on the folder icon.

A Little More Detail

Main Page > REAPER Documentation, going further

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