Download and Evaluate REAPER for Free

Download REAPER below for a free, fully functional 60-day evaluation.
No registration or personal details are required.

Like A Version

REAPER supports all Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11.

REAPER supports Linux on Intel and ARM architectures, and the Windows version works well with WINE.

REAPER supports macOS 10.5* to macOS 14.


Windows 64-bit
REAPER v7.35 - 15MB
Windows x64


Linux x86_64
REAPER v7.35 - 12MB
Linux x86-64/AMD64 64-bit


macOS Universal
REAPER v7.35 - 26MB
Universal for Intel and ARM64
Optimized for macOS 10.15 and later
The macOS Universal download is recommended for all modern macOS systems (10.15 and newer). The macOS 64-bit Intel and 32-bit Intel versions are recommended for macOS versions 10.5-10.14.

REAPER 7.35: That's Numberwang!

Changelog items below may include links to more information.
PDC auto-bypass
  • do not auto-bypass if track is set to record-output mode
  • do not use for record input FX
  • add MediaExplorerGetLastPlayedFileInfo()
  • improve performance of SetObjState when updating items that have take FX (7.34 regression)
  • fix behavior of setting to render tracks with only mono media to mono files when track has media with mixed channel counts
  • interpret setting to render only channels sent to master as restrictive, rather than expansive
  • when project sample rate is not set, disable and clear render setting to mix/process at project sample rate (rather than graying but leaving the box checked, which is misleading)
  • support ripple editing when editing media item edges (set via action or right-click toolbar ripple button)
  • default toolbar button toggles ripple on/off rather than cycling through ripple modes (customized toolbars are not affected)
  • right-click toolbar button to change ripple mode, or replace the toolbar action to restore the old behavior
Toolbar editor
  • double-click icons to open icon picker
  • double-click an icon in icon picker to select and close window
  • support decoding H.265/HEVC video using Windows Media Foundation
  • fix localization of some long FX names
  • add actions to save, restore, and reset controller latches
  • if preserving source metadata, clear any existing BWF offset data
File types
  • support .mka (Matroska Audio Container) files if a suitable decoder is found
  • pin mappers respect advanced preference to remain open if desired
Media explorer
  • respect user-entered tempo metadata when previewing and inserting the file
Media item take channel mapper
  • detect when item selection changes and update window
Region/marker manager
  • add localization for marker/region/takemarker prefixes
  • fix possible hang with misconfigured default project template
  • if transport_basis_quarter, etc images exist, display that image's hover/click state when tapping tempo
Track routing window
  • support adding a send to a new track, or receive from a new track
WAV files
  • display embedded media cues even if they are out of order in the original file
  • get_config_var() can query active langpack with __langpack_filename

    Old Versions
    Language Packs
    Lost License
    Theme Development
    Custom Cursors
    JSFX Programming
    Extensions SDK
    Extensions to VST SDK
    Language Pack Template
    User Guide