What is REAPER Radio?

REAPER Radio is a streaming radio station of content made using REAPER. The purpose is to showcase content produced with REAPER, and to encourage members of the REAPER community to listen to each other.

How do I listen?

The stream is 128kbps, so you will need a broadband internet connection to listen reliably:

You can also point your MP3 player (Winamp, iTunes, etc) to this link.

What content is played on the stream?

We accept any content that used REAPER at some point during its production. This currently includes music as well as custom made station IDs.

Copyright issues

When submitting content, you agree to grant us permission to play this content, and that you have the authority to grant us this permission.

If you are a copyright holder and you hear something unauthorized on the stream, please email with any identifying information you have and we will respond promptly.

Submitting content

Please encode content you wish to submit into MP3 or OGG, of reasonable quality. Try to keep the length reasonable (i.e. at longest around 8 minutes would be nice).

Name the file with the format "artist - album.mp3" and include as much other information that is available about your recording.

To submit, send your content to If the media file you are submitting is larger than about 2 megabytes, you should upload it somewhere and send the URL instead.

For more information, see this thread in the forums.

    Old Versions
    Language Packs
    Lost License
    Theme Development
    Custom Cursors
    JSFX Programming
    Extensions SDK
    Extensions to VST SDK
    Language Pack Template
    User Guide