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JSFX Programming Reference - Special Variables
  • Special Variables

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    Basic Functionality: Audio and transport state:
    • srate
      Context: available everywhere
      Usage: read-only
      The srate variable is set by the system to whatever the current sampling frequency is set to (usually 44100 to 192000). Generally speaking your @init code section will be called when this changes, though it's probably a good idea not to depend too much on that.

    • num_ch
      Context: most contexts (see comments)
      Usage: read-only
      Specifies the number of channels available (usually 2). Note however splXX are still available even if this count is less, their inputs/outputs are just ignored. You can change the channel count available via in_pin:/out_pin: lines.

    • samplesblock
      Context: most contexts (see comments)
      Usage: read-only
      The samplesblock variable can be used within @block code to see how many samples will come before the next @block call. It may also be valid in other contexts (though your code should handle invalid values in other contexts with grace).

    • tempo
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only
      The current project tempo, in "bpm". An example value would be 120.0.

    • play_state
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only
      The current playback state of REAPER (0=stopped, <0=error, 1=playing, 2=paused, 5=recording, 6=record paused).

    • play_position
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only
      The current playback position in REAPER (as of last @block), in seconds.

    • beat_position
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only The current playback position (as of last @block) in REAPER, in beats (beats = quarternotes in /4 time signatures).

    • ts_num
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only The current time signature numerator, i.e. 3.0 if using 3/4 time.

    • ts_denom
      Context: @block, @sample
      Usage: read-only The current time signature denominator, i.e. 4.0 if using 3/4 time.

    Extended Functionality:
    • ext_noinit
      Context: @init only
      Set this variable to 1.0 in your @init section if you do not wish for @init to be called (and variables/RAM to be possibly cleared) on every transport start. Note that in this case, srate may not be correct in @init, and the JSFX code should check for srate changes in @block or @slider.

    • ext_nodenorm
      Context: @init only
      Set this variable to 1.0 in your @init section if you do not wish to have anti-denormal noise added to input.

    • ext_tail_size -- REAPER 6.71+
      Context: @init, @slider
      Set to nonzero if the plug-in produces silence from silence. If positive, specifies length in samples that the plug-in should keep processing after silence (either the output tail length, or the number of samples needed for the plug-in state to settle). If set to -1, REAPER will use automatic output silence detection and let plug-in state settle. If set to -2, then REAPER will assume the plug-in has no tail and no inter-sample state.

    • reg00-reg99
      Context: available everywhere
      Usage: read/write
      The 100 variables reg00, reg01, reg02, .. reg99 are shared across all effects and can be used for inter-effect communication. Their use should be documented in the effect descriptions to avoid collisions with other effects. regXX aliases to _global.regXX.

    • _global.* -- -- REAPER 4.5+
      Context: available everywhere
      Usage: read/write
      Like regXX, _global.* are variables shared between all instances of all effects.
    Delay Compensation (PDC):
    • pdc_delay
      Context: @block, @slider
      Usage: read-write
      The current delay added by the plug-in, in samples. Note that you shouldnt change this too often. This specifies the amount of the delay that should be compensated, however you need to set the pdc_bot_ch and pdc_top_ch below to tell JS which channels should be compensated.

    • pdc_bot_ch, pdc_top_ch
      Context: @block, @slider
      Usage: read-write
      The channels that are delayed by pdc_delay. For example:
          pdc_bot_ch=0; pdc_top_ch=2; // delays the first two channels (spl0/spl1).
          pdc_bot_ch=2; pdc_top_ch=5; // delays channels spl2,spl3, and spl4.
      (this is provided so that channels you dont delay can be properly synchronized by the host).

    • pdc_midi
      Context: @block, @slider
      Usage: read-write
      If set to 1.0, this will delay compensate MIDI as well as any specified audio channels.

    Graphics and Mouse:
    • gfx_* and mouse_* are also defined for use in @gfx code.

    MIDI Bus Support:
    • There are also variables defined for accessing MIDI Buses.

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